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Linda Yelnick, Manager
San Francisco Bay Area
Family Productions Label

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HYIM’s Bread and Roses Performances

Performer:  Hyim
Location: Camp Wilmont Sweeney, Juvenile Hall, Alameda County
Date:  February 25, 2009
Host:  Carmen Marie Coleman

Essence Story by: Carmen Marie Coleman

“Life is refining you, chiseling you to perfection.”  These were the wise and wonderful parting words that Hyim shared with the young men at Camp Wilmont Sweeney after his electrifying show.  Hyim¹s performance and words serve as tools to help these teens move out of being defensive and being victims to a place of empowerment, choice and gratitude.  The teens also had an opportunity to demonstrate the skill of freestyle by coming up to the mic and performing raps they created from their own life experiences.  The activities coordinator at Camp Sweeney shared this with me, “They are at a crossroads in their young lives, and his performance give them an opportunity to reflect on that.”

Hyim at Crossroads
December 23, 2008

Eighty homeless people shuffled into the dining room at Crossroads two days before Christmas. They must have had many mixed emotions, being in a shelter at this time of year. It is a brand new building with many nice features including a large rec room with a wide screen t.v. and lots of computers. It is warm and dry and safe. Still, it is not the place one thinks of when the radio incessantly plays “I’ll be Home for Christmas.”

Hyim set the intention from the beginning of his show that he would “bring in the Light.” He may have been referring to the light of Hanukah, as he is Jewish, or the light of the season, having passed the shortest day of the year, or the light in his heart, which certainly shone brightly for all those present. Most of his songs had at least one part where people could sing along. “It Is So Beautiful” had an infectious reggae beat which got people swaying in their seats. On another song he got them howling along with a song about his D-O-G. His original take on “Happy Birthday” included a verse in Spanish. And his newest song “Home” spoke about forgiveness, which sometimes takes super human strength to achieve. The audience clapped along and added beautiful harmonies to several songs.

Hyim began doing shows for Bread &Roses in 2004, but this was his first show in 2 ½ years. He just completed his Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology. Now he is re-devoting himself to his music in addition to pursuing (or perhaps inventing) a career. I am sure that he will find ways to integrate his many talents and continue to bring the light to all his endeavors.